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My project file cannot be loaded after the last closing. What can I do?

This month our support team reached the following question:

My DIALux evo project file can no longer be loaded after the last closing of the project. What can I do?


If the original project can no longer be loaded, you may be able to use the emergency backup file. An emergency backup file is automatically created each time you save your project file. This file has the same project name and is located in the same folder as your actual project file, but has the additional extension ".bak" ("project name.evo.bak"). You can convert this emergency backup file into a DIALux evo project file yourself by deleting both the ".bak" extension and giving the project file a different name ("Project name.evo.bak" => "Project name 1.evo"). The project can then be loaded.

Further help around DIALux can also be found here. The service is available for all registered DIALux users. All information about registration can be found on the website.

You want to learn DIALux evo? Then you can inform yourself about our DIALux training courses here.