Unlock Non-Members
Use luminaires from other manufacturers in DIALux evo without restrictions
Starting March 1st 2024 only luminaires from DIALux Members can be used for planning and calculation in the free version of DIALux evo. If you want to use luminaires from other manufacturers without restrictions, you can either subscribe to DIALux Pro or purchase the "Unlock-Non Members" subscription.

DIALux Pro
- Import building models directly from IFC files and immediately start you lighting design
- Export your lighting design into a building model with an IFC file
- Export your documentation to different file formats (*.ppt, *.docx, *.xml, *.csv) with just one click
- Create your own layout for the documentation with our editor and implement your corporate design
- Use luminaires from manufacturers that are not DIALux Members in your lighting design
€19.99 - €29.99/month*
Buy now →
*Price depends on the region you work in

Unlock Non-Members
- Use luminaires from manufacturers that are not DIALux Members in your lighting design
€5.99 - €9.99/month*
Buy now →
*Price depends on the region you work in
Why is it only possible to use luminaires from DIALux Members in the free version of DIALux evo?
The development of DIALux evo is funded 98 % by fees from lighting manufacturers, our DIALux Members. These manufacturers are members with us because 750,000 DIALux planners around the world gain access to their products and use approx. 80 million luminaires a month in their planning projects. And it is precisely this advantage that we want to make available only to DIALux Members. Our goal is to grow our member base significantly. More members mean more resources for development, more diverse products for your projects, and a robust, evolving DIALux evo. We are committed to developing DIALux evo in ways that serve your needs and hopefully exceed your expectations.
Learn more in our Q&A → Our members →