Outlook for DIALux evo 12: We focus on Open BIM

We have news for you regarding our product strategy in DIALux evo. Our goal is to develop the software as precisely as possible for your needs. That's why we have visited many lighting design departments over the past few months to get an impression of your daily work processes.
To say it right away: We have seen a lot about data interfaces and digital workflows.
Planners are increasingly relying on BIM (Building Information Modeling) processes for the complete design of buildings. In addition to architecture and structural design, the entire building equipment is incorporated into a common model. Already during planning, all roles involved in the planning process work on a digital twin of the building. The whole thing, of course, in 3D combined with plans in 2D.
That's why we have decided to focus more on the topic of data interfaces in the near future. For the time being, we are clearly focusing on Open BIM and want to make it as easy as possible for you to work with IFC files in DIALux evo. We are also closing functional gaps to fully support the Open BIM workflow.
The beta phase of the IFC import helped us to analyze problems when importing IFC files. From this, we were able to derive a solution strategy for the development, which we will follow continuously. With the next DIALux evo version, we will end the beta phase.
The topic of Open BIM is a bigger task for us in the development of DIALux. Therefore, we will continuously support the workflow and common use cases better and better in several releases. Let's start with the IFC export of lighting systems. Basically, you import the building model, plan lighting in DIALux and export the subject model lighting to a separate IFC file. This result is then imported into the common model via the BIM collaboration solution and merged that way.

One of the sticking points is the loading of IFC building models into DIALux evo. In practice, the quality of IFC models ranges from very good to mediocre and poor. We are working on several measures to load IFC models well and completely. Above all, we want to display as much content of the model as possible in our CAD, including the content of other trades. Besides IFC export, a revised IFC import wizard and partial IFC 4 support are planned for DIALux evo 12.
We will keep you updated on DIALux evo 12 and beyond here.